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Skater Profile: Trauma Mama

Real name/hometown/occupation

Missy Goforth/Dixon, MO/Emergency Medical Technician/LPN

What is your derby name and number? Care to share how you came up with them?

Derby name is Trauma Mama #L35. Name was made up from my best friend Michele Nichols. "Trauma" from working in EMS for 20 years and "Mama", well....I really have no idea why she threw that in there but it fits perfectly!

My derby number is in honor of my daughter's father who passed away September 2013. He was a Rolla City Firefighter and was engineer of ladder truck 35.

Skating Experience

When I was a child, I skated all the time. It was my favorite thing to do because it didn't cost any money. I then broke my wrist and was terrified to get back on for many, many years until I had my daughter. So we skated together frequently just for fun.

As far as being a part of WWR, I have been with the team since day one.



Favorite Skater

I really don't have any favorites. I just love and admire those that encourage you and stand by you through your faults and mistakes.

Gear Check – What are you using? What are your favorites?

Helmet: S One Lifer Elbow Pads: 187 Knee Pads: TSG Force III Wrist: Triple 8 RD's and Triple 8 Hired hands Mouthguard: Sisu Skates: Antiks

How did you get involved with roller derby?

I had seen that Buzzed Lightyear had posted something on a site wondering if there was any roller derby teams around our area and wanted to get one started. I inquired, went to the meeting and soon became Secretary of WWR the first year. I knew that it was going to be a challenge for me but I knew that I wanted to try and that this was something at that time I needed in my life, for me.

What is your favorite part, or memory, of being a Wild Wood Roller?

My favorite part is not giving up. My WWR teammates are incredible! They are very encouraging and there are some that stand by me to make sure I get where I need to be. I remember my very first bout I was a super nervous wreck and I'll never forget Screamin Evil, The Vixenator, FitSquad and CheeWee were there for me guiding me through the whole thing and I will forever be grateful for them.

How has derby challenged and/or changed you?

I am one that doesn't have much self confidence. If I wasn't working, I was watching my children play in their sports. If I wasn't doing either of those, I pretty much stayed to myself. My daughter stayed on me to get out and do something and it was then I realized I needed to do something to get me out of where I was in my life. Learning derby has challenged me to not give up and is teaching me that it's ok to be who you are and how you look and that you can be yourself and that there's no such thing as being perfect. It's been a tough road to overcome for me but derby is gradually changing that and I am proud that I am rolling in this new journey.

What are your derby likes and dislikes?

Likes: Gaining a new family and challenging myself. Gaining self confidence. Dislikes: Missing out on new drills and plays when I am committed to other life duties.

Do you have any pre-bout rituals?

*A must have is drinking an ice cold Red Bull. I make sure it's readily available before and after. *I throw my earbuds on and listen to a little Third Day before hitting the "rink." *I have a picture of my kids that I make sure is placed inside my helmet before I bout.

Do you have any advice for incoming skaters?

Be yourself. Have fun. Its not an easy task but have the confidence that you can and will better yourself, but the most important is NOT to EVER GIVE UP!!

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